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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Train the Trainers

Tutorial on Train the Trainers Kicks Off

On the URLs referred below, you will get step by step lessons to become great trainers.

The word "trainer" encompass all types of people who train others, who are also called faculty members, professors, teachers, lecturers, facilitators, workshop or seminar leaders, key note speakers, professionals who undertake speaking assignments, people conducting various types of meetings and so on. or

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Management Games and Icebreakers

Management Games, Management Exercises, Icebreakers and Energizers

For conducting training programs, workshops, seminars and conferences effectively, one must use appropriate management games, management exercises, icebreakers and energizers that are given in details at:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Efficient Work Methods

Efficient Work Practices

If you wish to work efficiently for self or for the organization you work for, you must follow a set of ten efficient work methods as given at:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Management Case Studies

Stories of Management and Corporate World

The objective behind authoring and publishing these cases particularly in the short form as against the usual style of writing elaborate management cases is to facilitate and motivate the reader to read the case as a short interesting story, on the run and yet get a total comprehension of the subject matter, the dilemmas presented therein and to ultimately learn to lead a better life in the management and corporate world.

Read the cases at URL given below:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.
Also refer:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Work Study: Method Study and Work Measurement

Work Study: Fore-runner of All Modern Techniques

Work study emerged as the earliest effectiveness, efficiency and productivity technique that even to date remains the basic to all other techniques that developed later. One must know them in order to fully appreciate the modern techniques since they are like old wine in a new bottle. Refer:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Basic Statistics

Statistics for Managers and Every Professional

Though absolutely essential in every professional field, knowledge of even basis statistics is often not so very clear to a large section of the professionals. That's why simple explanation of statistics of day-to-day usage is finding a place on these pages. Refer:
Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.
Also refer:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Business Plan

Vital For Any Business

One of the earliest documents one must prepare to start and run any business is "Business Plan". Read more about it at:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The Simplest Creative Problem Solving Technique

Many brains are always better than one provided you know how not to spoil the broth when there are too many cooks. Brainstorming technique tells you how to get the best out of many brains. Read on at:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Public Speaking

Finer Points in Public Speaking

One always faces a situation when one is asked to deliver a speech in front of the people. This skills is a must also for persons who have ambitions of becoming good managers and good leaders. Therefore, read the finer aspects of public speaking skill at:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Assessment Centers

Assessment Centers: More Accurate and Fair

In addition to the conventional recruitment and performance appraisal systems, organizations are using assessment centers for better accuracy and fairness for potential appraisals. For more on the topic, refer:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.