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Monday, December 26, 2011

Training of Trainers

Training of Trainers Program (How to Become an Excellent Trainer and Presenter?)

All the professional or the persons who are faculty members, workshop or seminar leaders, coaches, mentors, key note speakers, professors, teachers, lecturers, facilitators,  professionals who undertake speaking assignments, people conducting various types of meetings, managers, executives, bosses and leaders will find this comprehensive article extremely value adding and useful. Read the complete write-up at the URL given below:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Comprehensive HRM

If you wish to see and read everything about human resource management (HRM) at one single place, you can do it at the following URL:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Training Games

Games and Icebreakers for All Occasions/Events/Training Programs

If you are a trainer, educator, management educator, faculty member, professor, lecturer, teacher, management consultant, organizer or coordinator of any event, you must know these games and exercises. Use of them will definitely increase the effectiveness of your program. They are great training aids or training accessories. For details refer URL given below:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Competency Mapping

Excellent Human Resource Management System

Competency mapping is one of the most effective HR systems.  Organizations, HR professionals and all the professionals from every other discipline must have a good knowledge of this system. Organizations and individuals can improve their overall effectiveness and efficiency by leaps and bounds by using this system. Read more at the URL given below:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Outsourcing: Important Business Function

In the current global environment of fierce international competition, organizations and professionals keep busy finding out ways and means of differentiating themselves from the others. Outsourcing has been found to be one vital business function in that direction. Read more about outsourcing at:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Performance Management

Wholesome HR Management

Human resources are increasingly becoming more and more important of all the organizational resources. Therefore, organizations and their managers should implement more and more effective HR systems. Performance Management deserves to be one such system. To read more about it, refer the URL given below:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Impression Management

Image Building/Branding

If you have to influence people, you need to learn to create a favorable impression on them. In today's world presenting a correct image to promote your brand is vital. On this subject you can read more at:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Johari Window

Very Effective Model for Self-awareness and Personality Development

Johari window is one of the simplest and most effective models for mind mapping. One can use it to introspect one's strong and weak points and thereby improve oneself. Do you know that an average human being uses just about 2% to 3% of his mind power. Johari Window can help increase this utilization significantly. Read more at the following link:

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

ABC Analysis or Pareto Analysis

Selective or Exceptional Management and Control by ABC Analysis or Pareto Analysis or 80/20 Rule

Smart people do not allocate the same amount of their time, attention, efforts and other resources on all the aspects of their professional or personal life. They first carry out the famous ABC analysis or Pareto analysis and then only proceed forward to committing themselves to different items. Read more at:


Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer:

Friday, April 1, 2011


Layoff: Bane or Boon?

Read everything you wanted to know about downsizing or layoff- it's meaning, why it is resorted to, it's disadvantages and advantages etc at the URL given below:

And do refer to and for everything you wanted to know on business, management and leadership.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Everything You Wanted to Know on Leadership and Management

Encyclopedia of Leadership, Management and Business

You will find on one single site- given below- everything you wanted to know on leadership, management and business. Here you will find enormous top quality literature and practical tips.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Democratic or Participative System

"Democracy" and it's future refinements are attracting maximum attention of the people of all the countries and states of the planet earth. People of this world wish to have their say in things that affect them and do not wish to continue being dictated. Only participative processes are capable of achieving this. The URL given below will deal with all the aspects of "democracy"- step by step. You may like to refer:

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website: