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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Professional Branding/Personal Branding

Professional Branding: Start Your Branding Journey Now

Answer the following questions before we proceed:
  • Do you wish to contribute meaningfully to self, your family, your chosen profession and the society at large to your fullest potential most effectively?
  • Do you want to make a mark, leave your imprint and make a positive impact in your and others' lives in differentiating ways?
  • Do you wish to become a much (or even most) sought after professional?
  • Are you interested in ever increasing your value as a professional (as a person)?
  • Do you wish to be meaningfully busy in your professional and personal life?
If your answer to these questions is an unhesitating "yes" then you need to go ahead pursuing the articles that will be published on the following link from time to time. Those articles will describe how to fulfill your above-mentioned goals.

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Life Management: Success in Life: Success Theories

Additional Success Theories

Success has been attributed to many factors, some of them being sheer personal talent and determination, extremely long hours of practice (practice make a man and woman perfect), support of a favorable period of technological or economical or other types of opportunities during which one's career took off, born with a silver spoon in mouth etc. You can read three more theories of success in the article at the following URL:

On the theme of subject you may also like to read another article at

Refer: URL for 100 more management topics and for alphabetic listing of all the management topics and their URLs.

Also refer: for everything on leadership and management.